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Currently reading

The Story of English in 100 Words
David Crystal
State of the World 2013: Is Sustainability Still Possible?
The Worldwatch Institute
Consilience: The Unity of Knowledge
Edward O. Wilson
Selected Poems
John Keats, John Barnard
Complete Works
Plato, C.J. Rowe, Stanley Lombardo, Paul Woodruff, J.M. Edmonds, John M. Cooper, Paul Ryan, Dorothea Frede, Alexander Nehamas, Anthony Kenny, Rosamond Kent Sprague, Nicholas D. Smith, Karen Bell, D.S. Hutchinson, Donald J. Zeyl, Francisco J. Gonzalez, Diskin Clay, Malcolm
Fear of Knowledge: Against Relativism and Constructivism
Paul Boghossian
An Historical and Critical Dictionary Translated Into English with Many Additions and Corrections Made by the Author Himself
Pierre Bayle
Great Paintings
Karen Hosack, Angela Wilkes
Shelley's Nature Poems
Percy Bysshe Shelley
Philosophy of Biology: An Anthology
Alex Rosenberg (Editor), Robert Arp (Editor)

The Lakota Way: Native American Wisdom on Ethics and Character

The Lakota Way: Native American Wisdom on Ethics and Character - Joseph M. Marshall III It was good and interesting listening , I expected to find something about the deep relationship between native American and nature , maybe I should read their mythology .

Discover Music of the Romantic Era

Discover Music of the Romantic Era - David McCleery Schopenhauer was right , music is the highest form of art , Nietzsche was mistaken , god's second mistake was Wagner not woman . The Romantic era was the ' golden age' of music and Wagner had spoiled it up .
Zen in the Art of Archery - Eugen Herrigel, D.T. Suzuki A short interesting easy readable story , I read it enthusiastically because I love Zen in the first place and I had such experience in gun shooting . it happened to be that the most succeed and most precise shoots were those that had not much focusing and attention from me . even in Billiards the over-attention and focusing on the ball will make it out of the pocket , that's what the master was teaching the author in the art of archery , forget everything and just let the arrow goes , and " it " will hit the target . Zen is the philosophy of letting go.

I always have a problem with "spiritual" things and try to find rational explanation for everything , I see what is spiritual in Zen , is common in nature , the experience which Herrigel spent six years to learn (he spent six years learning archery as a step to understand Zen ) is naturally embodied in animals, take the Stork for example it practices that " spiritual exercises" and the " letting go of one self " in hunting .the stork stands still for long time in the river watching fishes come and go , until the right fish comes in the right place at the right moment , then the bird pick it up in a fast and perfect way , surely there is no spiritual connection between the stork and the fish nor a philosophy of catching fishes , it just used to do it congenital , calling this practice spiritual does not make it so , just like calling the tail a leg does not make it a leg , in another word its nature and I see there's nothing mysteries about nature .

Zen philosophy is the philosophy of nature , Zen interpret nature in such away we can understand ,certainly no one will leave the city to trace birds and snakes to take lessons in wisdom ( even Socrates is not willing to do it ) .Since we the civilized ones have taken far and separated from nature ,we see everything belong to it as mystic and incomprehensible . Zen is just the philosophy of melting down with nature and letting go of all that does not belong to it .

ديوان العباس بن الأحنف

ديوان العباس بن الأحنف - العباس بن الأحنف,  عاتكة الخرزجي شعر العباس يستوفي شروط الشعر الرديء بنظري , تمله فور قراءة عشرة قصائد له , لا بل لتشعر أنك لم تقرأ شيئا بعد الإنتهاء من ديوانه , معظمه لوم وعتاب , و اذا أراد البعض تسمية بعضه غزلا , أظنه سيكون أوضع ما قيل في الغزل .
Philebus - Plato, Robin A.H. Waterfield Maybe Plato decided to give up philosophy and turn back to poetry , or sophistry who knows , that's why his last dialogue was that bad .

A Closer Look at Biology, Microbiology, and the Cell

A Closer Look at Biology, Microbiology, and the Cell - Sherman Hollar Because one star rating means " extremely bad " , I'll give it 2 stars .
Actually I came here by accident,I was searching for The Cell A Very Short Introduction , and found this one by accident , I thought it would be better to read it than the latter , specially that it's been written in a simple and encyclopedic way , but I was mistaken.It tells no more than what a single detailed image of the cell can do , besides that its end was just like a car crash , full stop , go and find another useful book -_-
An Appetite For Wonder: The Making of a Scientist - Richard Dawkins I can't wait to read it :(
On Solitude - Michel de Montaigne I love Montaigne and his essays , I'll read his complete as soon as I can , This short one didn't gratify my appetite for solitude , I found an interesting article on the internet which I thought it would be better to post it here .


ديوان أبي العتاهية

ديوان أبي العتاهية - أبو العتاهية كلام مرصوف لغير أجل , لا بلاغة فيه ولا جزل , يخبرنا فيه عن أخرة وخطب جلل , يذم فيه حياة كلها ملل , ويعظ بـ موت ليس لنا من بعده أمل , تراني لا يعجبني شعره ولا تجريح المقل , تعجبني حياتي هذه و إن كانت معلولات وعلل .

Famous Poems Explained (Granger poetry library)

Famous Poems Explained (Granger poetry library) - Waitman Barbe Bad selected poems , for the most famous poets ( that don't include poetess ) , Most of the poems are about war , people , nationality , one maybe or tow about love .
Richard Dawkins: How a Scientist Changed the Way We Think - Alan Grafen No wonder that professor Dawkins gained the world's top thinker poll this year , and that his masterpiece takes a place between top 25 greatest science books, as one of the essays noted here , Richard The Golden Pen , he is really so .
I still remember the situation very clearly , The Selfish Gene left me completely shocked for almost a week , it was ( and still ) the greatest science book I have ever read .

The Wreck Of The Hesperus (Phoenix 60p paperbacks)

The Wreck of the Hesperus (Phoenix 60p Paperbacks) - Henry Wadsworth Longfellow He wrote this heartbreaking poem in less than an hour ??!! How amazing

Cosmic Collisions: The Hubble Atlas of Merging Galaxies

Cosmic Collisions: The Hubble Atlas of Merging Galaxies - Lars Lindberg Christensen, Davide de Martin, Raquel Yumi Shida This book is like a traveler's guide to the galaxies , explains and views the origins , evolution and collision of the galaxies , We know that a picture is worth a thousand words and that's real here in this book , few and simple texts , too much and very complex images thanks to Hubble. Man !! even Helen Keller can't understand what the galaxy actually is , without images and that's what made this book amazing .I liked Messier 82 galaxy , a cup of tea would be pleasurable there :D .
Death by Black Hole: And Other Cosmic Quandaries - Neil deGrasse Tyson Tyson and only Tyson ( after the death of Carl Sagan ) can brings the cosmos down to earth , he is the hero of contemporary astrophysicists ,I am chasing him on YouTube , Star Talk and Twitter , unfortunately part of his book are unavailable here on the internet :/
This book is one of few books that leave your face like this :( when it came to the end .
The Waste Land - T.S. Eliot, Michael North حل عن الله تبعي ولووو , مو ناقص غير تقلي " ما أجمل صورة حذائها المنعكسة على سيراميك الحمام "
The Physics of Star Trek - Lawrence M. Krauss Well , I don't know the real expression which describes this book " not that bad " would be useful .I wanted to read something for Lawrence before reading A Universe From Nothing and I came here by accident , the book was good for me I found here many things which I wanted to know about , beside time travel , I found dark matter , holograms , warmholes , cosmic string and many others ..